Woman smiling at camera

Our story begins more than 170 years ago, when our founder, James G. Batterson, sold the very first accident insurance policy in the United States. Since then, our colorful and exciting history illustrates a remarkable agility to innovate and adapt to changing times.

Today, we face insurance scenarios our predecessors would have never imagined … from autonomous cars to epic natural disasters to global businesses in oil, gas, marine, finance and technology. That’s why we challenge the status quo with new ideas and innovations in the areas of AI, geospatial, cybersecurity, global risk and more.

The one thing that has remained the same over the years is a commitment to looking out for others. We have an enduring promise to secure, respect and care for our customers. That’s why Travelers (NYSE: TRV) continues to be highly respected as one of the best and most experienced property and casualty insurers in the industry.

Our success is due to our people. Are you ready to join us?

Be determined to make your mark

Innovation has been in our bones and a part of our business since James G. Batterson founded Travelers in 1864. His immense legacy is a testament to his many talents and fierce ambition.

He made his mark in multiple industries and kept impressive company. Abraham Lincoln appointed him as the contractor for the Library of Congress. Ulysses S. Grant honored him for his contributions to historic preservation. William Vanderbilt commissioned him to create the Newport Marble House. Civil War monuments are attributed to him. And, last but not least, he founded a business that became a leader in its industry.

In honor of that legacy, the newly-created “Batterson font” serves to keep his trailblazing spirit alive–it’s a typeface as unique as the man whose signature it flows from.

Let it inspire you to make your mark, too. Envision your ambition and ask yourself, like Batterson, “What’s the next best thing I can do?” Perhaps it’s here at Travelers.