Where does your major fit? – Imagine DOING WHAT YOU LOVE MOST
Wondering what you can do at Travelers? More than you might ever imagine! Choose your major from the list below to see what kind of opportunities are available for someone with your skill and knowledge.
Actuarial Science
Actuarial science and risk assessment are at the core of everything we do. As an actuarial science major, you’ll be looked to as a trusted advisor when it comes to risks we can take on, setting reserves, pricing products and partnering with our lines of business. Are you someone who thrives in an environment where your expertise helps to steer decision-making? Do you enjoy analyzing trends and staying current with best practices? If so, we encourage you to explore the number of opportunities available to new grads:
Business Administration and Management
Are you passionate about contributing to the success of a business? Is your interest piqued when the obtainment of an objective can be traced back to the application of a core fundamental? As a Business Administration major, you recognize the value of understanding the many facets to a successful operating model. Your extensive acumen and transferrable skills will prove applicable to a wide-range range of positions with Travelers. Opportunities for new grads include but are not limited to:
Computer Science and MIS
Are you a self-proclaimed computer enthusiast with an aptitude for data? Do you thrive in environments where problems can either be solved with a few keystrokes or by piecing together a complex puzzle? We’re always seeking process-oriented thinkers, risk averse practitioners who take the extra measure to ensure data protection. Technologists who understand that where there is an optimal user experience, exists a thoroughly tested code that made it possible. Innovative thinkers who don’t just ask “what’s next?” but prepare us with the tools and solutions necessary to meet the cutting-edge head on.
If you are passionate about application development, security, infrastructure or other technology driven disciplines, we encourage you to explore the opportunities listed below:
Are you intrigued by the correlation between consumer and market behavior? Does your passion lie in logical thinking and predictive modeling? So many of our day to day decisions are made based on the information provided to us by the team members who are tasked with understanding trends and their impact on our business. If you are someone who enjoys influencing strategy with supporting evidence, you’ll most likely find your passion among these various opportunities available to new grads:
How often do you find yourself wondering about how things work? Can you typically be found taking something apart just to put it back together again? Are you passionate about guiding a vision from concept phase to design and development? If you’re a mechanical thinker who can recognize the potential of an idea, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to demonstrate your knowledge here at Travelers. Opportunities for new grads include but are not limited to:
Do you find excitement in keeping current with the dynamics of the financial market? Are you able to make the connection between numerical data, forecasts and qualitative storytelling? Finance and Accounting professionals aren’t just tasked with preparing profit and loss statements or budgets, they’re being looked to as advisors when it comes to recognizing opportunities to pursue new ventures. Our business is growing, our finance and accounting teams play a vital role in that. Opportunities for new grads include but are not limited to:
Human Resources
Are you a people person? A relationship builder? Do you enjoy empowering others? If so, you’ll want to consider a position within our Human Resources department. Depending on your interests, you might use your analytical skills to translate data and drive strategy, your assessment abilities to tell stories using quantitative intelligence, your flair for communication to keep our teams informed, your legal knowledge to ensure compliance and your relationship building capabilities for creating cohesive and productive cross-functional partnerships. You’ll apply and build upon these strengths across any of our HR teams: Compensation, Talent Acquisition and Employee Relations. Opportunities for new grads can include but are not limited to:
Liberal Arts
What was it that first drew you toward your Liberal Arts major? Was it the opportunity to explore a variety of disciplines? Was it your passion for intuitive decision-making? Or perhaps it was knowing that your interdisciplinary knowledge and skills would lend an extra dimension to the career you’d eventually pursue. All of the above? Here at Travelers, your transferrable abilities can be applied to a variety of roles, including but not limited to the opportunities listed below:
Do you tend to think outside of the box? Do you know how to captivate audiences and move them with compelling storytelling? Our Marketing teams are passionate about sharing the Travelers story and experience through meaningful content. From conducting competitive research to identifying opportunities for growth, you’ll have the chance to increase company awareness, enhance our brand, and position Travelers as a top-of-mind company in an ever-changing market. Opportunities for new grads include but are not limited to:
We make critical business decisions based on mathematical findings and quantitative analysis. Are you someone who thinks in numerical equations? Do you enjoy communicating qualitative findings based on the outcome? Here at Travelers, mathematics goes beyond basic calculation, it is a key driver, one that spans across a number of career focuses:
Risk Management and Insurance
Did you know that your risk and insurance expertise could be applied to a multitude of career focuses? The insurance landscape is always changing, however the need for risk mitigation and analysis will remain a constant. Your business acumen coupled by your familiarity with the inner workings of the industry is invaluable as it helps to drive our strategy and directly impacts our customers. Opportunities for new grads include but are not limited to:
When a question of chance arises, are you someone who thinks statistically to figure out the most probable outcome? Do you enjoy navigating algorithms and thinking in terms of likelihood? If so, you’ll discover a number of areas in which these skills will prove relevant here at Travelers. From developing a new rating or reserving methodology, to working with key players to enhance management information, your skills will be applied to creating, modifying and impacting the ways in which we conduct and think about our business. Now, considering the career opportunities listed below, what is the likelihood that you’ll discover your passion with us?