Try Something New to Boost Your Wellbeing
The holidays have ended, winter is ramping up and we only see the sun for a short time each day. Because of all that and more, the beginning of the year is a great time to make new goals for your wellbeing.
Instead of trying to make a change, our Europe Mental Health First Aiders recommend adding something new to your routine and life to boost your wellbeing and outlook on the year ahead. If you are looking for inspiration, members of our team shared activities that lifted their spirits. Perhaps their experiences may motivate you to try something new.
Alexa J.: “Learn a new language”
“I’ve been doing an evening course in French – it has been superbe! French was a subject I really enjoyed at school and I have always regretted not studying it further. I love the language, and although we don’t travel there often, I really wanted to be able to understand and converse more when we are there. After thinking about it for 25 years, I took the plunge and signed myself up for a virtual evening class. It’s been a lot harder than I thought, but I’ve really enjoyed it.”
Mike L.: “Return to an old hobby”
“As Monday night is the only weeknight that I am at home, I decided that I would get back into cycling. Almost every Monday, I get out on my bike with my best mate, and we cycle for 15 miles along the Trans Pennine Trail to Warrington. Then we sit in a pub, have one pint, talk about football and cycle home. It’s particularly brutal weather at this time of the year, but I love it.”
Helen W.: “Make new connections with like-minded people”
“I joined a crime book club last year, which has been lots of fun and got me back into reading fiction. We meet monthly to eat together and discuss a book. The subject matter might be a bit gruesome, but it’s been great meeting other crime fiction fans. Our latest book had a great twist, and next month we are getting a local crime author to come and do a Q&A with us.”
Antony S.: “Celebrate the small wins”
“Last year, I was dealing with some difficult issues with my parents and my son. I worked on being kind to myself and trying to keep challenges in perspective so that they didn’t overwhelm me. Something I found really helpful was enjoying simple pleasures and small wins when I got the opportunity, such as getting my dad out of the house for the first time in months or celebrating my son getting a ‘Shining Star’ award from college.”
Eloise G.: “Travel to a new destination or learn about one”
“My family hadn’t been abroad since before the pandemic, so we decided to go to a French island called Noirmoutier-en-l’Île in August. Even though we didn’t travel far, it felt surprisingly exotic, with beautiful beaches, lovely towns and lots of salt flats. Because the island is so flat, it is great for cycling around, which was a real highlight. My children (aged 11 and 13) absolutely loved it – especially going to the boulangerie every day to buy baguettes and getting a chance to try out their ‘school French’ in real life!”
Travelers Mental Health First Aiders are fellow employees who are professionally trained to provide support to colleagues that may need it. They are knowledgeable about Travelers Europe networks and benefits and can help guide employees as needed. They also offer general education and events to encourage us all to make our wellbeing a priority.
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